Sunday 23 March 2014

Goal Setting

We have started a new unit in Business lll which is Organise Personal Work Priorities.  Our two new assignments which we’ll be covering first are, creating a 3-5 year plan and setting up a calendar in Google calendars.

When I first saw that we had to create a 3-5 year plan on where we would like to see ourselves in that time, my head went blank. I had no idea where or what I see myself doing in that timeframe, but as I sat down and thought about where I really wanted to be in 1, 3 or even 5 years, I got quite excited about this assignment.  We had to think of goals that wouldn’t be too hard to achieve, like finishing this course, traveling or getting a job at a specific place. 

These goals had to be a mixture of long term and short term goals that could actually be achieved in that given time frame and when we thought of something, we had to think about what barriers we may need to overcome and how to achieve these goals.

We then looked at different ways you could present a calendar and also had a quick look at Google Calendars.  I’d never seen the point of calendars before now because I usually remember everything, but after I made one Google Calenders, I realised how great they were. 

 You can write down your schedule to the hour and you can colour coordinate each different section. For example, green could be for birthdays, red could be for personal things like a family gathering you have to attend this coming weekend, or yellow for your work timetable.


  1. Loving your enthusiasm Shivaun! I'm glad you are seeing the benefits of goal setting.. it does seem like hard work ,but it is also a way of remembering to check that you really are heading in the direction you want to go. It's too easy to just drift along, and then wonder how you ended up where you are! Of course, goal setting is not a guarantee that everything will turn out the way you want. There are lots of quotes out there about the benefits of failure! Also lots of quotes about hanging on and persisting !

    I'm also happy to see you are a calendar convert. Whether its Google Calendar or another platform, in business today it is unlikely you can get through a busy day without checking your schedule frequently!

    Love the look of your post too !


